Exhibitor Profile


JISR Institute


Czech company JISR Institute focuses on the building of comprehensive capabilities in ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance), EW (Electronic Warfare), and Asymmetric Electronic Protection, including anti-drone systems. To achieve its goals, JISR Institute analyses user requirements, designs system architecture, and provides implementation and delivery of software and hardware solutions. Supplied technology is combat-proven, with experiences from NATO, military, defence, and security entities worldwide.

The company collaborates with top experts in the design of architectures for C4 (Command, Control, Communication, Computers), ISR, and EW systems. These experts come from the military, scientific community, and business partners. Besides military technologies, JISR Institute also provides comprehensive solutions for Homeland Security including police and various kinds of services, such as intelligence, secret service, rescue, or security service.

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
In the ISR domain, JISR Institute takes on a role as a developer of a complex solution ISRMAN, covering all aspects of the ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) process from platoon to brigade level. This complex solution also includes Video Management and Exploitation tool called IMINTMAN, Coalition Shared Database Management called CSDMAN, and other tools.

JISR is a set of intelligence and operations capabilities, to synchronize and integrate the planning and operation of all collection capabilities with the processing, exploitation, and dissemination of the resulting information in direct support of the planning, preparation, and execution of operations.
The ISR cycle is an activity that synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of all collection capabilities. ISR Process is managed by the set of SW applications (ISRMAN, CSDMAN, IMINTMAN) which can be integrated into C4ISTAR environment including C2 / BMS (Command and Control / Battle Management System) – either the customer’s existing or new environment supplied by JISR Institute. With exploitation and processing and the dissemination of the resulting information to the right person, at the right time, in the right format.

Electronic Warfare
JISR Institute is also a manufacturer of comprehensive solutions in Electronic Warfare, including reconnaissance and surveillance systems SYMON and LEMON. SYMON is a modular passive system intended for the localization and identifi cation of ground, naval, and airborne targets. SYMON provides very fast automated reconnaissance, monitoring, direction fi nding, technical online/
offl ine analysis, and classifi cation of radio signals of interest bands with an option of effective UAV interception. LEMON is a passive reconnaissance system for the detection, tracking, and identification of radar signals. JISR´s complex EW solution also includes the STARKOM tactical communication jamming system, which denies the use of electromagnetic spectrum (ECM) by the
enemy´s communication systems including modern communication systems such as frequency-agile systems, by the effective high-power jamming across the whole tactical band.
All these sensors are managed by EWMAN SW (Electronic Warfare MANagement SoftWare), which provides tools for commanders during all the EW operations (e.g. tasking, planning, data collection and processing, dissemination of information, and decision making). All COMINT, ELINT, and ESM sensors are integrated into the network by software CESMOS.

Anti-drone solution
The ANDROMEDA anti-drone system provides detection (optical, radio, and radar), tracking, and neutralization (jamming) of unauthorized drones. The system is tailored and can be customized for any customer’s needs. JISR offers three basic variants: ANDROMEDA Stationary deployment (e. g. powerplant, stadium, airports protection, etc.), ANDROMEDA Mobile installed on vehicles, and portable ANDROMEDA Light dedicated to being used by ground forces.
The mobile variant can use one or multiple cooperating vehicles, each with its own set of sensors. Both variants use previously mentioned assets. The specific sensors can be integrated and used to customers’ needs and can be applied to various platforms and scenarios. The great advantage of the
ANDROMEDA solution is its capability to integrate any sensors and effector platforms from several different manufacturers. The ANDROMEDA can be used to protect largescale objects (airfi elds, powerplants, ammunition depots, industrial factories, etc.), objects in urban areas (government buildings, military bases, critical infrastructure, etc.), and areas of key importance (convoy routes,
delegations or official visits, mass sport and cultural events, meetings, etc.).


Protective jamming systems
The STAR family is a collection of jammers that are digital, modular, multiband, programable, and tailor-made systems, modifi ed to the customer´s needs. These systems are intended to protect against radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIED) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The smart jamming capability of the STAR family is achieved by continuous or reactive protective jamming capabilities. Systems are tailored to multiple platforms such as stationary, vehicular and portable. Products are dedicated to the protection of the dismounted units, VIP persons, vehicles, the EOD personnel, and other specialized teams.

SYMON tactical COMINT/ESM system
The SYMON modular COMMS-ESM/COMINT system is intended for very fast automated reconnaissance, monitoring, direction finding, technical online/offl ine analysis, and
classifi cation of radio signals of interest in HF, VHF, UHF, SHF bands with the possibility of effective UAV interception. System SYMON might be provided on stationary, mobile, and backpack platforms.

STARKOM modular tactical communication jamming system
The STARKOM provides the possibility to deny the usage of the electromagnetic spectrum (ECM) by the enemy´s communication systems including modern communication systems such as frequency-agile systems, by the effective high-power jamming across the whole tactical band. This system provides a possibility to cover whole Electronic Warfare (EW) activities, including the capability of communication jamming and even radio Reconnaissance and Surveillance capability.

Tactical ELINT/ESM system – LEMON
LEMON is a light system dedicated to very fast reconnaissance, surveillance, automatic identification, localization, tracking, and storage of electromagnetic spectrum and online/offl ine analysis of radars, CW signals, and cooperative signals in frequency range on land, sea, and air.