Exhibitor Profile


VR Group, a.s.: 25+ Years of Simulation Solutions and Innovations


VRGVR Group, a.s. is a leading Czech provider of comprehensive training solutions for armed forces, security forces and crisis management authorities. Thanks to its more than twenty years of experience in developing, implementing and operating training solutions for armed and security forces, VR Group, a.s. can offer cutting-edge training solutions.

The company is a subsidiary of LOM PRAHA government enterprise, established by the Czech Republic Ministry of Defence. Its headquarters reside in Prague and the branches are located in Brno and Vyskov.

VR Group focuses on the following areas:

- Development of new products to support the training of ground and air forces according to current requirements on the equipment and the characteristics of the combat and non-combat operations,

- Development of live, virtual and constructive simulation systems for training of the security authorities including members and staff of the Crisis Management System,

- Systematic improvement of implemented products and solutions based on customer feedback and current training requirements,

- Research and development projects for the Czech Ministries of Defence, Interior and the Ministry of Industry and Trade,

- Active participation in NATO research projects, especially in activities of the NATO Research & Technology Organization.

If you want to learn more about what we do, please see the Official company brochure or visit our website at https://www.vrg.cz/